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Stavrakakis Georgios(retired)

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Full Name:Stavrakakis Georgios
Category:Faculty (Faculty)
Academic Level:Professor
Academic Department:ECE (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Location:Office: 145Α-22, Science/ECE Building (Λ), 2nd Floor


Speciality: Power and  Production systems modeling and automation, Decision Analysis for process reengineering, systems safety and reliability analysis, real-time industrial processes fault monitoring and diagnosis, also applications in the Bioengineering and Medical diagnosis, alternative sources of energy with and without storage  modeling and automation, energy management and saving

Short CV: Prof. George S. Stavrakakis received his first degree in Electrical Engineering from the N.T.U.A. (National Technical University of Athens), Athens, in 1980, his postgraduate “D.E.A. in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering” was obtained from I.N.S.A., Toulouse, France in July 1981 and his PhD in the same area was obtained from “Paul Sabatier” University-Toulouse-III, Toulouse, France in January 1984. He has worked as a Research Fellow in the Robotics Laboratory of N.T.U.A., Athens (1985-1988), and as a Visiting Scientist at the Institute for System Engineering and Informatics/Components Diagnostics & Reliability Sector of the EC - Joint Research Centre (JRC) at Ispra, Italy (Sept.1989-Sept.1990).He was Vice President of the Hellenic Center of Renewable Energy Sources (CRES), Nov.2000-Apr.2002. In September 1990 he joined the Electronic and Computer Engineering Dpt., Technical University of Crete, Chania, Crete, Greece as an Associate Professor. He is currently a Full Professor (from November 1995) in the same Department, Electric Circuits and Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory (www.elci.tuc.gr). He performs prototype and  advanced engineering research and applications in : robotics, process re-engineering, systems safety and reliability analysis, real-time industrial processes fault monitoring and diagnosis, modeling and diagnosis in bioengineering systems, informatics and electronics and microcomputer applications in power systems, renewable energy sources (RES) modeling and automation and autonomous power systems, smart and micro grids, energy storage and autonomous RES integration and optimal operation, increased RES penetration in non – interconnected power grids, energy efficiency and Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS), solid waste management and waste-to-energy technologies. He is the author and co-author of about a hundred fifty full papers in international refereed journals, international edition books and refereed conferences, of about sixty five research reports, of five international edition and dissemination scientific text books and of seventy papers in international no refereed conferences on the above topics. He has participated in 40 European Commission and national funded research projects being the coordinator of the 9 among them. He is the author of the chapter “Electrical parts of wind turbines” in the award winning handbook “Comprehensive Renewable Energy” of the Elsevier Publisher-May 2012. He is permanent invited reviewer in the following high impact factor international scientific journals: IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Electric Power Systems Research, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Renewable Energy journal, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Energies (member of the Editorial Board), Applied Sciences, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems.  He is speaking and writing excellent Greek (native), very good English, French and Italian. He is married and he has two daughters.


  • Ph.D. in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering from “Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III” University, Toulouse-France, in 1984
  • M.Sc.: in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering from I.N.S.A., Toulouse-France, 1981
  • B.S (Diploma): in Electrical Engineering from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)-Greece, 1980

Research Areas: His research interests include industrial and space technology applications of control and estimation theory, production and power systems modeling and automation, robotics, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic technology, Decision Analysis, process reengineering, systems safety and reliability analysis, real-time industrial processes fault monitoring and diagnosis, applications in the Bioengineering and Medical diagnosis, alternative sources of energy modeling and automation, building energy management systems. He is the author and co-author of about seventy full papers in international refereed journals and conferences, forty research reports, sixty papers in international conferences on abstract basis and three international publication and dissemination books on the above topics

Sector: Electronics and Computer Architecture Division

Laboratory: Electric Circuits and Renewable Energy Sources Laboratory

Courses: Introduction to Power Systems, Renewable Energy Sources, Advanced Subjects in Optimal Control

© Technical University of Crete 2012