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In the spotlight

Welcome to the 16th edition of ExTech, the International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, to be held in Chania, Crete, Greece, from…

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ft.com, 01.10.2013

Constantin Zopounidis, Professor of the Week in the Financial Times Lexicon

Every week a business school professor, an expert in…

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Public & International Relations Department

Chania 27 August 2013

Announcement of awards of excellence…

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The Geological Society of Greece and the Dep. of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete organize the 13th International Congress…

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Press Release 31 July 2013

CretaMASSS2013/ HAISS'13-Agents, the first ever Multiagent Systems Summer School in Greece, took place at the Department…

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A new distinction for the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering of TUC is the first place award to the undergraduate students Dimitrios…

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Professor Markos Papageorgiou of the School of Production Engineering & Management was recently elected IFAC Fellow (International Federation of Autom…

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The National Documentation Centre of Greece recently concluded a study titled "Greek Scientific Publications 1996-2010: Bibliometric analysis of Greek…

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Professor Yannis Phillis, former rector of the Technical University of Crete, was selected for the 2013 UCLA Engineering Alumni Achievement in…

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