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The world’s best traffic management practices - a collaboration between VicRoads and TUC DSSL

The article  “World-First Technology Keeps Traffic Moving On The M80”, referring to the collaboration between VicRoads and the Decision Support Systems Laboratory of the Technical University of Crete was published on July 20th, 2016 on  the webpage “Premier of Victoria (The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP)” of the Prime Minister of Victoria State in Australia.

The collaboration is focusing on a ground-breaking system for reducing vehicle congestion.The Adaptive Variable Speed Limit system recognises when traffic is starting to build-up, and adjusts traffic speed, regulating traffic flow and providing a safer and more reliable journey for the drivers. Powered by the DSSL algorithm, the system assesses live traffic conditions and regulates traffic speed by sending information to drivers via overhead gantries. Without intervention, traffic would eventually become congested and stop. Instead this system aims to reduce the congestion time and maintain movement.

According to the article, quotes attributable to the Minister for Roads and Roads Safety Luke Donnellan:

“We are applying the world’s best traffic management practices to roads right here in Melbourne.”

“By being smarter about the way we manage traffic, we can get Victorians home sooner so they can spend more time with their family and friends.”

© Technical University of Crete 2012