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Violence is a reality that everyone can perceive in their own unique way and reproduce at different intensity and form. No matter how much our civilization has evolved, we have not managed to eliminate episodes of violence. In general, any type of behaviour that diverges at physical or mental level from conventional limits always cause grief to their victims. Victims of violence have no certain age, or gender or social status. The emotions arising from violence remain intense for a long time, depending of course on the severity of the incident (verbal or physical violence, physical or mental abuse etc).

Violence, as a form of communication, expresses an ill side of human behaviour, a behaviour that cannot easily change nor can anyone easily understand the magnitude of its error unless we learn to communicate with ourselves and then to communicate with others. The inability to communicate and the relationships of power that develop inside small or larger social groups to which people belong, affect the personality and behaviour of the members of each group and as a result, conflicts of lower or higher intensity finally arise.

Violence can be eliminated only if we believe in the value and the rights of ourselves as well as others and in the harmonious relationship between the mental and physical properties of people.

© Technical University of Crete 2012