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Prof. Bill Kapralos (University of Ontario, Institute of Technology) gave a talk entitled "Immersive technologies and serious gaming for medical…

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The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) was first published in June 2003 by the Center for World-Class Universities (CWCU), Graduate…

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More than 150 visitors had the opportunity to listen, learn and above all to be inspired by 12 TEDx Talks during the TEDxTechnicalUniversityofCret…

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Professor Stelios Mertikas has become a member of the Mission Advisory Group in the European Space Agency that will take the lead in advising the…

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Konstantinos Zopounidis, Professor at the School of Production Engineering & Management of TUC, has been recogized as one of the most productive…

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Fotios Pasiouras, Associate Professor at the School of Production Engineering and Management and member of the Financial Engineering Laboratory at the…

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Professor Nicolas Kalogerakis, Vice President of the Council of the Technical Univeristy of Crete, gave an invited talk titled "Bio-degradation of…

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The paper "Keyvan-Ekbatani, M., Kouvelas, A., Papamichail, I., Papageorgiou, M.: Exploiting the fundamental diagram of urban networks for…

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Τhe TRB (Transportation Research Board) Paper of Spiliopoulou, A., Papageorgiou, M., Herrera, J.C., Muñoz, J.C. “Real-time merging traffic control…

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An Elsevier distinction for Highly Cited Research in the scientific Journal "Progress in Organic Coating", was awarded to P. Maravelaki, Associate…

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