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Technical University of Crete meets Technical University of Clausthal | An Erasmus cooperation!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hartmann

Institute of Applied Mechanics, Division of Solid Mechanics
Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering
Clausthal University of Technology, Germany

Monday, October 9, 2017 

Δ3.004 Seminar room of the School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete

9:00 – 15:30 | Non-linear finite elements of coupled problems

Course Objective 

The numerical treatment of incorporating constitutive models of solid materials in finite element programs is already known. This course, however, treats the interpretation of the entire space and time integration, where the results of spatial discretization using finite elements will yield, depending on the underlying problem, systems of algebraic, ordinary differential or even their combinations, i.e. differential-algebraic equations (DAE). The solution of these systems, particularly, of time-dependent problems (models of viscoelasticity, rate-independent plasticity, viscoplasticity, and thermo-mechanically coupled problems) is treated. 

Course Outline 

1. Recapitulation of 3D small strain elasticity
2. Viscoelasticity, rate-independent plasticity, viscoplasticity
3. Principle of virtual displacements and its discretization using finite elements
4. Temporal discretization using the Backward-Euler method to solve DAEs
5. Newton-Raphson method versus Multilevel-Newton method
6. Higher order time discretization using diagonally-implicit Runge-Kutta methods
7. Time-adaptivity
8. Extension to finite deformations
9. Thermo-mechanics
10. (Thermo-)Dynamics 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

: Δ3.004 Seminar room of the School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete or Foreign Languages Center, Technical University of Crete

9:00 – 10:30 | Identifiability and identification using nonlinear finite elements

11:00 – 13:00 | Welche Bedeutung hat die Technische Mechanik in der Ingenieurausbildung?

A talk in German, addressed to students and co-workers of Technical University of Crete learning the German language, in cooperation with Mrs Anna Vrouvaki, from the Center of Foreign Languages.

Biographical sketch of the Instructor 
Professor Hartmann’s research interests are experimental mechanics for solid materials, constitutive modelling, finite elements of coupled problems with the focus on high order time integration, and material parameter identification. He published 50 journal papers, 80 scientific contributions, and 2 books on applied mechanics. He also (co-)edited 6 books/journal special issues and co-organized numerous meetings. Prof. Hartmann is member of the Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) and the German Association of Computational Mechanics (GACM), Chairman of the national section of the GAMM (DeKoMech), and Vice-President of the Clausthal Association of Applied Mechanics (CFAM).

Further details can be found in the web page of his Institute

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