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In the spotlight

On Nov. 21, 2020, in honor of the TUC Laboratory of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering (GeoMatLab), a video was shown in the context of the US-European…

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The Crowdhelix Network is an open innovation platform that forges links between an international network of excellent researchers and innovative…

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Technical University of Crete is officially a member of the Global Pandemic Network (GPN). The Global Pandemic Network is a community of scholars from…

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On October 28, 2020, Professor Nicolas Kalogerakis, Director of the Biochemical Engineering and Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory in the School…

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The project of Assoc. Prof. Alexios Tzompanakis entitled "Azenha do Mar Urban Infill" (Portugal) awarded first in the subcategory "Urban…

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Associate Professor Georgios Chalkiadakis assumed recently (October 1, 2020) the duties of the Chair of the European Association for Multi-Agent…

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Τhe Technical University of Crete hosts the EU Careers Student Ambassadors program during the current academic year 2020-2021. The Technical…

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A second success for the Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory (DSSL) during the IEEE International Conference ITSC!

In particular, the article:

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Technical University of Crete and Technical University of Braunschweig co-organize the online school "2020 smARTerials: Smart Artificial Materials,…

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