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Νέα / Ανακοινώσεις / Συζητήσεις

Παρουσίαση μεταπτυχιακής εργασίας κ. Kalormaki Rodanthis, Σχολή ΜΠΔ

  • Συντάχθηκε 23-08-2022 11:46 Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Ενημερώθηκε: 23-08-2022 11:48

    Σύνδεσμος τηλεδιάσκεψης
    Έναρξη: 26/08/2022 11:00
    Λήξη: 26/08/2022 12:00





    Name & Surname: Kalormaki Rodanthi 

    Reg. Number: 2019015002 



    Title: The role of human resources and the challenges to Human Resource Management Leadership 


    Examination Committee: 

    Supervisor: Ματσατσίνης Νικόλαος 

    First Member: Μουστάκης Βασίλειος 

    Second Member: Τσαφαράκης Στέλιος 



    Abstract of the Thesis: This thesis research is based on a qualitative research, taking its information from literature, articles and journals. The research was conducted to first examine and understand the importance of HR practices within the organization, specifically what they are, how they are implemented effectively and their contribution to the sustainability of the organization. It then examines the role of leadership and organizational culture in organizational performance in a challenging environment and the coordination of HR practices in value creation and subsequent competitive advantage. Concluding the research with an important strategic model which is  the Employer Branding, that companies try to build to develop their digital presence, proving that it creates significant value to the company. Initially, the research evolves to identify the most important HR practices and gradually analyses each practice in the digital age and the impact that technological changes have on company's strategic advantage and subsequently on their sustainability. In the second part of the research, an extensive analysis is carried out on the role of culture and leadership in creating the company's competitive advantage. Research evolves into the role of leadership in the digital age and penetrates the benefits of innovation for its contribution to competitive advantage and company sustainability. The third part cumulatively explains the digital age in relation to HR and the challenges in the near future. 


    Examination Date: 

    Day/Month/Year: 26/8/2022 

    Time: 11:00 


    Examination Venue: 

    Auditorium/ Lecture Room: https://tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/97499270052?pwd=WXBCdDl0WVhoT0lVQnpnelRQTnRwZz09 




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