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Σεμινάρια της ΙΕΕΕ στην Βιοϊατρική Μηχανική

  • Συντάχθηκε 28-01-2021 19:42 Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Ενημερώθηκε: -

    Αγαπητά μέλη της Πολυτεχνειακής κοινότητας

    Το τμήμα της Βιοϊατρικής Μηχανικής της ΙΕΕΕ οργανώνει μια σειρά από τέσσερεις συνεδρίες που αφορούν την επιστήμη της ανάλυσης δεδομένων στην Υγεία και στην παροχή εξειδικευμένης φροντίδας. Οι συνεδρίες θα πραγματοποιηθούν διαδικτυακά από 10-13 Φεβρουαρίου και η συμμετοχή είναι δωρεάν.

    Ακολουθεί το μήνυμα του Προέδρου του Τμήματος "Μηχανικής στην Ιατρική και Βιολογία" της ΙΕΕΕ και συνημμένα θα βρείτε και πληροφορίες για τους ομιλητές.


    Μιχάλης Ζερβάκης


    Metin Akay, PhD

    President, IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Society 2021

    Chair, IEEE EMBS Public Forums


    Dear Colleagues 

    Data science is an emerging discipline that will be instrumental in accelerating healthcare innovation and transforming the healthcare industry to improve the quality and cost of services provided to patients. Data science, broadly defined, includes the tools, techniques, and theoretical underpinnings for enabling machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to be applied to large, diverse, complex, longitudinal, and distributed data sets in order to extract useful information and knowledge. Machine learning and AI have already led to significant successes in many health-related fields including medical image classification, segmentation, prediction, and decision making. The field of data science promises to accelerate the applications and successes, specifically by enabling the scaling to “big” and heterogeneous data.

    To address the research and translational advances and challenges in healthcare-focused data science, the IEEE EMBS Grand Challenge Forum on Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare will be held on Feb 10-13, 2021. The forum aims to highlight and discuss the challenges and opportunities of Data Science innovations in healthcare, medicine and biology, and how these innovations can be translated into cutting-edge healthcare and biomedical engineering curriculums.

    The forum will have the following four symposiums:

    1. Grand Challenges in Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare: Medical Imaging
    2. Grand Challenges in Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare: Precision Medicine
    3. Grand Challenges in Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare: Digital Healthcare
    4. Grand Challenges in Data Science and Engineering in Healthcare: Brain and Neural Systems

    We believe that the IEEE EMBS Forum will provide a unique platform for scientists, engineers, and students to focus on translational data science and engineering research and healthcare innovations, as well as the need for a paradigm shift in engineering and science education and their impact on healthcare and economic growth.

    Due to the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee has decided to offer the Forum in a virtual format only to ensure a safe environment and to make participation possible for more people. We hope you would join us. 

    Please note registration is free and required to attend the IEEE EMBS Grand Challenges Forum on Data Science: https://grand-challenges.embs.org/2021datascience/



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