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Διάλεξη Prof. maria Gravari-barbas, Universite Paris I, Sorbonne,"Tourism, a « heritage-producing machine”?" 4.12.2020, 19.00

  • Συντάχθηκε 25-11-2020 22:47 Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

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    Διευθύντρια: Αμαλία Κωτσάκη, αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια

     Διαλέξεις προσκεκλημένων ομιλητών 2020-21- ανοικτές στο κοινό

    διάλεξη ΟΝ LINE

    Maria Gravari - Barbas,  Καθηγήτρια  Université Paris I, Panthéon, Sorbonne

    Tourism, a « heritage-producing machine”?
    Παρασκευή 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2020,  ώρα 19.00

    on line     https://tuc-gr.zoom.us/j/81866330654?pwd=dHlGRHRMMTRLQ3YreFZKSkxJR1NnZz09 

    Meeting ID: 818 6633 0654                           Password: 753435

     The conference will analyze the role that tourism has historically played and still plays today in the emergence and affirmation of the modern concept of heritage. It particularly looks to highlight the operational co-production of heritage and tourism and shows that tourism has never worked better, faster and more efficiently as a heritage-producing machine than in this beginning of the 21st century. The tourism system (tourism actors, places and businesses as well as tourists themselves) contribute to the production of a new heritage system (heritage places, practices and actors) which functions according to its own needs and expectations, in a world of free traffic, transactions and generalized mobilities.


     Maria Gravari-Barbas, Καθηγήτρια   Université Paris I, Panthéon, Sorbonne, Διευθύντρια της  Chaire UNESCO "Culture, Tourisme, Développement" και συντονίστρια του Δικτύου Πανεπιστημίων UNITWIN-UNESCO "Culture, Tourisme, Développement"




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