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Νέα / Ανακοινώσεις / Συζητήσεις

Θέση υποψήφιου διδάκτορα, Lausanne, Ελβετία

  • Συντάχθηκε 10-10-2019 22:40 από Dionysios Christopoulos Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Email συντάκτη: dchristopoulos<στο>tuc.gr

    Ενημερώθηκε: -

    Ιδιότητα: ΔΕΠ ΜΗΧΟΠ.

    Doctoral assistant (Assistant-e diplômé-e) in Earth surface modeling

    Starting date: from 01.02.2020
    Position duration: 1 year originally. The contract can then be renewed 2x for 2 years. The maximum total duration is 5 years.
    Level of activity: 80%
    Work location: Lausanne Mouline (Geopolis)

    Candidate profile:

    The chosen candidate will have a master's degree in geosciences, environmental sciences, remote sensing, civil engineering, applied mathematics, computer science or a related domain.

    A requirement for this position is a good base in applied mathematics and programming. Knowledge in geostatistics or machine learning applied to spatial data, experience in handling remote sensing or climate datasets are advantages.

    Candidates will be committed to conducting a PhD thesis on numerical and statistical modeling involving Earth surface imagery. They will have an interest in spatial models, large datasets and algorithmic development.

    Excellent skills in written and oral English are required. Working knowledge of French language is preferable but not necessary.

    Job description:

    A minimum of 50% of the workload will be devoted to a PhD thesis in Earth surface modeling. This work will include the use of existing data (satellite imagery, climate models outputs, historical climate data) to develop numerical representations of the Earth surface and its evolution.

    A maximum of 50% of the workload will consist in assisting with teaching and research duties: teaching activities under the supervision of a professor, research work not related to the personal PhD topic, technical and administrative tasks related to the activities of the Institute.

    The employment conditions are available at this address: https://www.unil.ch/srh/files/live/sites/srh/files/03_Infos_administratives/Bareme_assistants_doc_2016.pdf

    Application documents:

    Motivation letter, Curriculum Vitae, copy of university degrees certificates and transcripts of marks awarded, an electronic version of a research output (MSc diploma thesis, research report, proceedings paper or other scientific publication), short presentation of a PhD thesis topic (1 page). Only applications made through this website will be taken into account.

    Questions regarding the application can be addressed by email to Prof. Gregoire Mariethoz (gregoire.mariethoz@unil.ch).

    Application deadline: 30 November 2019

    Application through this link: https://bit.ly/2oVXLnG

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