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WoSAR: The 11th International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation

  • Συντάχθηκε 29-05-2019 16:19 από Dimitra Athenaki Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Email συντάκτη: athenaki<στο>tuc.gr

    Ενημερώθηκε: -

    Κύρια: υπάλληλος. Άλλες ιδιότητες: απόφοιτος ΜΔΕ/Διδ. ΜΠΔ, απόφοιτος προπτυχιακός ΜΠΔ

    WoSAR: The 11th International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation

    October 28-31, 2019, Berlin, Germany, co-located with ISSRE 2019


     Software aging is a problem of progressive degradation of performance and dependability in computer programs, especially those executing for long period of time. This phenomenon has been extensively studied since more than 20 years, as it affects many systems, from embedded devices to server software to critical systems.

    Software rejuvenation, i.e. restart of application (components/threads/task), VMs or machines, is the most prominent approach to combat software aging. A variety of reactive and proactive rejuvenation techniques, scheduling plans, scope and granularity, have been proposed for different application categories and platforms.

    WoSAR is the premier international venue to discuss the recent advances and discoveries in theoretical and practical aspects of software aging and rejuvenation research. In this year, we encourage submissions targeting interdisciplinary research, in particular those listed in the topics of interest.


    • Progressive degradation of performability / availability / reliability / scalability / “-ilities” in software systems.
    • Modeling and characterization of the software aging phenomenon.
    • Design and evaluation of rejuvenation techniques.
    • Analysis of aging-related faults/bugs, errors, and failures.
    • Software test strategies for detecting aging-related bugs.
    • Monitoring and detection of software aging effects (e.g., memory leaks, database index fragmentation, unterminated processes/threads, accrual of round-off errors, ...).
    • New classes of software aging effects.
    • Software aging and rejuvenation applied to anomaly detection and security intrusions.
    • Software aging and rejuvenation in Big Data and IoT Apps.
    • Prognostics and Health Management (PHM).
    • Environment dependent bugs and their mitigation techniques.
    • Metrics for software performance and degradation.
    • Fault localization and testing for aging-related bugs.
    • Machine learning techniques for aging-related bugs.
    • Tools for detection and repair of memory leaks.
    • Analytical, empirical, and experimental studies of any of the above topics.


    Paper submission deadline: July 21th, 2019

    Paper notification: August 25th, 2019

    Camera ready papers: September 8th, 2019


    Authors are invited to submit high quality unpublished research work describing the results of theoretical and experimental software aging and rejuvenation research. All the accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

    Papers must be written in English and be formatted according to the IEEE authoring guidelines[1]. Full papers should not exceed seven pages in IEEE style. Paper submission will be done electronically through EasyChair




    • CFP_WoSAR2019.pdf
      Μεταφορτώσεις: 634, Μέγεθος: 86 KB application/pdf
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