Συντάχθηκε 01-04-2019 19:21
από Dionysios Christopoulos
Email συντάκτη: dchristopoulos<στο>tuc.gr
Ιδιότητα: ΔΕΠ ΜΗΧΟΠ.
Three PhD Positions in Bayesian Geophysical Inversion and Model Selection
The Applied and Environmental Geophysics Group at the University of Lausanne has
openings for three PhD students working on:
A. Geophysical inversion with complex geological priors using deep learning and
multiple-point statistics
B. Accounting for petrophysical and upscaling errors in probabilistic and deterministic
geophysical inversions
C. Geophysics-based falsification and corroboration with emphasis on frozen ground
dynamics in an alpine catchment
The PhD positions are funded for four years and the starting date is September 1, 2019, or a
slightly earlier or later date to be decided upon. Successful candidates should ideally hold
MSc degrees in geophysics, physics, statistics, mathematics or quantitative Earth Sciences.
He/she should have a keen interest and preferably some experience in Bayesian statistics,
scientific computing, geophysical forward modeling and inversion. Field experience and
knowledge about hydrogeological, critical zone or permafrost processes are beneficial for
sub-project C. We are a dynamic international research group working on a wide variety of
topics in environmental and computational geophysics. More details about the project and its
project partners are provided here: https://wp.unil.ch/linde-hydrogeophysics/geofaces/
To apply, please send a cover letter clarifying your overall motivation for entering a PhD
program together with your curriculum vitae and the names, telephone numbers, and e-mail
addresses of two referees to Prof. Niklas Linde, Institute of Earth Sciences, Géopolis 3779,
University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland or by e-mail to niklas.linde@unil.ch.
The application deadline is May 15, 2019.