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Νέα / Ανακοινώσεις / Συζητήσεις

Summer School on "Wastewater and Biosolids Management" (WWSS19), Patras, Greece, July 22 - 27, 2019

  • Συντάχθηκε 11-01-2019 11:11 από Konstantinos Komnitsas Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Email συντάκτη: kkomnitsas<στο>tuc.gr

    Ενημερώθηκε: -

    Ιδιότητα: ΔΕΠ ΜΗΧΟΠ.

    Σας κοινοποιώ ένα μήνυμα του ΕΑΠ, αφορά κυρίως ερευνητές και μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές ΜΗΠΕΡ και ΜΗΧΟΠ

    Ιt’s with great pleasure that we announce the 5th consecutive distance education e-learning Summer School on "Wastewater and Biosolids Management" (WWSS19), taking place in Patras, Greece, July 22 - 27, 2019. This scientific event is organized in the context of the Postgraduate Study Programme “Waste Management”, by the Hellenic Open University.

    The 2019 program follows the strategy of maintaining basic lectures enriched with new topics of interest, on the new trends in wastewater and biosolids management technologies and representative case studies. As special features in 2019, the Summer School:

    1) will dedicate a session on waste management of the Armed Forces,

    2) will include a session, as in 2018, on practical laboratory exercises and data analysis tools for measuring the basic wastewater parameters requested by regulations,

    3) will offer the possibility to master and PhD students as well as to wastewater and biosolids professionals, equipment suppliers, public bodies and organizations to present their work by e-posters. WWSS19 will offer the Best e-Poster Award to the three best posters (First: 200 euros, Second: 150 euros and Third: 100 euros).

    The website of WWSS19 is http://wastewater2019.eap.gr/.

    Professor Dr. Ioannis K. Kalavrouziotis

    Dean of the School of Science and Technology

    Chairman Lab. of Sustainable Waste Technology Management

    Director in MSc Programme ‘Waste Management’

    Tsamadou 13-15 & Saint Andrea, 262 22 Patras
    Office A12, Tel.: +302610 367546  Fax: +302610 367528 Mobile: +306944726906
    Email: ikalabro@eap.gr



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