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Geostatistics Workshop in Wroclav

  • Συντάχθηκε 31-10-2017 11:10 από Emmanouil Varouchakis Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Email συντάκτη: evarouchakis<στο>tuc.gr

    Ενημερώθηκε: -

    Κύρια: ΕΔΙΠ ΜΗΠΕΡ. Άλλες ιδιότητες: απόφοιτος ΜΔΕ/Διδ. ΜΗΧΟΠ
    The Workshop
    by Professor Barbara Namyslowska-Wilczynska*,
    Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Wroclaw, Poland

    Spatial analysis and applications in geological, mining and environmental problems

    Case studies: mineral deposits, environmental risks, engineering geology, hydrogeology

    Practical applications of geostatistical methods, using geostatistical software and real data

    The proposed Workshop will be delivered in English language,
    Place of the event – Wroclaw University of Science & Technology,
    Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw (Poland),
    Time of the event – 22 – 25 January 2018,
    Number of participants – 40,
    The Workshop will be held in a Computer Laboratory, at the Center for Scientific and Technical Information (building D21), Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Wroclaw (Poland),
    Registration fee – please visit website,

    Organizer of the Workshop

    Prof. Barbara Namyslowska-Wilczynska, Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Wroclaw (Poland); Barbara.Namyslowska-Wilczynska<στο>pwr.edu[dot]pl

    Organization Committee of the Workshop
    Mr. Marta Staszczak-Gebala, Section Organization of Scientific Events, Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Wroclaw (Poland); Marta.Staszczak<στο>pwr.edu[dot]pl
    Dr. Lidia Fijalkowska-Lichwa, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Wroclaw (Poland); Lidia.Fijalkowska-Lichwa<στο>pwr.edu[dot]pl
    Dr. Oscar Herrera-Granados, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Wroclaw (Poland); Oscar.Herrera-Granados<στο>pwr.edu[dot]pl
    Mr. Pawel Maslankiewicz, Effective Engineering Solutions Sp. with o.o.
    Wroclaw; prmaslankiewicz<στο>gmail[dot]com

    Programm Committee of the Workshop (Invited speakers)

    Prof. Vasily Demyanov, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; v.demyanov<στο>hw.ac[dot]u
    Prof. Dionissios Hristopulos, Technical University of Crete; Greece; dionisi<στο>mred.tuc[dot]gr
    Prof. Mikhail Kanevski, University of Lausanne, Switzerland; mikhail.kanevski<στο>unil[dot]ch
    Prof. Barbara Namyslowska-Wilczynska, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Wroclaw, Poland; Barbara.Namyslowska-Wilczynska<στο>pwr.edu[dot]pl
    Dr. Emmanouil Varouchakis, School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece; evarouchakis<στο>gmail[dot]com

    1. Geostatistical applications in spatial and spatio-temporal modeling.
    2. Spatio-temporal methods for the analysis of hydrological, environmental and climate phenomena.
    3. Spatial analysis and prediction using geostatistical models.
    4. Geostatistical characterization of uncertainties. Conditional simulations.
    5. Selected topics of spatial data analysis: machine (computer) learning and data mining.
    6. Spartan spatial random fields and stochastic local interaction (SLI) models.

    Scope of the Workshop
    1. Concepts of geostatistics.
    2. Research methodology based on the geostatistical approach.
    3. Empirical measures of spatial variability and respective theoretical models.
    4. Variogram estimation and modeling.
    5. Cross-validation and model selection.
    6. Kriging estimators (kriging, cokriging).
    7. Quality and effectiveness of kriging techniques.
    8. Conditional simulations and risk mapping.
    9. Methods of fast interpolation (e.g., kriging linear model, inverse distances, nearest neighbours).
    10. Case studies and best practices.
    11. Introduction to environmental data mining using machine (computer) learning algorithms.
    12. Sparse precision matrices, stochastic local interactions and quick spatial interpolation.


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