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Παρουσίαση Εργασίας ΜΔΕ Mr Jose Cristian Arturo Otarola Lagos - Σχολή ΜΗΧΟΠ

  • Συντάχθηκε 22-08-2017 09:18 από Dimitra Athenaki Πληροφορίες σύνταξης

    Email συντάκτη: athenaki<στο>tuc.gr

    Ενημερώθηκε: -

    Κύρια: υπάλληλος. Άλλες ιδιότητες: απόφοιτος ΜΔΕ/Διδ. ΜΠΔ, απόφοιτος προπτυχιακός ΜΠΔ, υπάλληλος ΜΗΧΟΠ
    Σχολή Μηχανικών Ορυκτών Πόρων - ΠΜΣ Μηχανική Πετρελαίου

    Θέμα Μεταπτυχιακής Εργασίας: «Optimization of the production schedule of an oil field»

    Τριμελής Εξεταστική Επιτροπή:
    Καθ. Βαρότσης Νικόλαος (επιβλέπων)
    Καθ. Καλογεράκης Νικόλαος (ΜΗΠΕΡ)
    Δρ. Γαγάνης Βασίλειος (ΜΗΧΟΠ)

    Τόπος: Μ3 - Κτίριο ΜΗΧΟΠ, Μ3.003
    Έναρξη: 28/08/2017 12:00
    Λήξη: 28/08/2017 13:00


    The oil and gas industry constantly evolves by the hand of technology. The available software, with the input provided by mathematical correlations, provide a great tool for modeling, simulating and predicting the behavior of reservoirs and wells, provided of course with the proper information. The MSc course provided the opportunity to work with some of the software used in the oil and gas industry.
    In the present work, and with the assistance of two packages from the IPM Suite (REVEAL and PROSPER), the process of designing a group of wells that must meet a target production for a given reservoir model will be faced. An initial overview for oil recovery methods will be provided, together with the problem statement and a brief description of the software packages to be used.
    After this, a quick examination of the provided reservoir model will be performed, with the objective of assessing any difficulties that the operation could face.
    After the presentation of the production problems that need to be solved, the procedure starts with the design of the wells, starting with their geometrical design as well as the downhole equipment to be used. Once the initial design is completed, an evaluation of the results obtained with the design proposed will be performed with the objective of determining if there is need for artificial lift systems to be implemented (For this study, Gas Lift).
    With the initial designs completed and evaluated, the design of a Gas Lift System will be done with the use of the software package PROSPER, leading this to a proposed artificial lift design.
    Finally, an evaluation of the results obtained and the influence of the design in the production expected for the reservoir model will be done, along with some comments on the relevance of the effort invested on satisfying the production requirements and the proposal of future work to be done on the same study case.

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