Συντάχθηκε 22-12-2016 12:24
από Eleftheria Karagianni
Email συντάκτη: ekaragianni<στο>tuc.gr
Ιδιότητα: υπάλληλος.
H νέα έκδοση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για τη δράση Erasmus Mundus Action 3 (2009-2013)*, υπό τον τίτλο: «Erasmus+: Building on Experience – Testimonials of Erasmus Mundus Promotion Projects», είναι διαθέσιμη μέσω του παρακάτω συνδέσμου:
Action 3 promotes European higher education through measures enhancing the attractiveness of Europe as an educational destination and a centre of excellence at world level.
Action 3 projects aimed at:
1. the promotion and awareness raising of the European higher education sector as well as the relevant cooperation programmes and funding schemes;
2. the dissemination of the programme's results and examples of good practice;
3. the exploitation of these results at institutional and individual level.
This Action provides support to activities related to the international dimension of all aspects of higher education, such as promotion, accessibility, quality assurance, credit recognition, mutual recognition of qualifications, curriculum development and mobility.
Activities can be implemented by mixed networks of organisations active in the field of higher education composed of at least 3 participating organisations from European countries and 1 from Third Countries.