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ΤUC Professor broke the 10,000 citation level as reported in to Google Scholar

Professor Konstantinos Zopounidis  (School of Production Engineering & Management (PEM)), broke the 10,000 citation level as reported in Google Scholar. Prof. Zopounidis is elected member of the Royal Academy of Economic and Finance Sciences of Spain and Distinguished Research Professor at Audencia Group, Nantes School of Management.

The Professor's research interests include: financial engineering, financial risk management, and multiple criteria decision making. He has published over 300 papers in premier international journals, edited volumes, and conference proceedings. He has also published several books and edited volumes on financial engineering and operations research. Prof. Zopounidis is Editor-in-Chief and member of the editorial board of several international journals. For his research work, Prof. Zopounidis has received awards and honorary distinctions from international research organizations, including among others the ΜΟISIL International Foundation, the Decision Sciences Institute, the European Association of Management and Business Economics, the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain, the Hellenic Operational Research Society, the International Association for Fuzzy Set Management and Economy, and the International MCDM Society.

Prof. Zopounidis is the 3rd TUC faculty member, after Prof. Markos Papageorgiou and Minos Garofalakis

with 10,000+ citations to his work.

© Technical University of Crete 2012