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TUC participates in Master’s program on Circular Economy and Bioeconomy

We want you! Stay tuned to enroll in the
Master’s program on Circular Economy and Bioeconomy!

Amoceab project partners, including the Technical University of Crete (TUC), planned a master’s program aimed at students on the topics of Circular Economy and Bioeconomy. This Master is designed for those who wish to acquire advanced knowledge in the field of ecological transition and sustainability. The program welcomes three-year graduates in the Engineering or Economics area, interested in developing a solid knowledge to face the current challenges in the Circular Economy and Bioeconomy sector.

Through a combination of frontal teaching and practical activities (laboratories), the participants will acquire the necessary skills and operational tools to support companies in managing sustainability and circular economy processes, with initial interdisciplinary engineering-management training and subsequent specialized courses based on specific topics of interest. This path will enable organizations to invest in professionals capable of responding to the needs of the changed competitive scenario and managing the changes taking place in the best possible way.

The master’s degree includes an exchange period abroad of at least 6 months in the universities of the Adriatic-Ionian area, where all the lessons and activities will take place.


For more details, please check the related video shown on the right of this page, as well as the program brochure attached below.

© Technical University of Crete 2012