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TEDx TechnicalUniversityofCrete – Outcomes | May 19, 2018 | TUC Campus

How does the "Outcomes" sound like a word? The power of words is not in their superficial sense but in meanings that are not visible. Each word encompasses knowledge and strength. Every person understands this knowledge differently according to their experiences. We all have the power to create our own unique path as long as we believe in ourselves, our possibilities and our limits. Only this way, we will be truly free, able to combine things that we already know with things that we like, ready to new paths of innovation and creativity. Simple thoughts to complex calculations and a lot of work are the secrets behind the success of people who will talk to us about their own outcomes. So what's your Outcome? 

Come to find out on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at the Technical University of Crete!

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