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Professor Emeritus Yannis A. Phillis keynote speaker at LISS2024

Professor Emeritus and former Rector of the Technical University of Crete, Yannis A. Phillis was a keynote speaker at the 14th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS2024), which took place at the Henley Business School Africa in Cape Town, 26-29 July, 2024. The title of his talk was "A national healthcare model under climate change", which created a lot of interest and a lively discussion.

The talk was part of a project the speaker completed with Professor Vassilis Kouikoglou. In it quantitative measures are examined regarding new investments in medical personnel and equipment to keep life expectancy at a desired level against disasters and new diseases caused by the climate crisis. Specific actions are designed for 190 countries. As an example, Greece must double its medical budget by 2050, in today's prices, to compensate for life expectancy reductions from climate warming. Poor countries are affected the most since they lack the necessary resources and financial capabilities.

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