A new distinction for the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering of TUC is the first place award to the undergraduate students Dimitrios Skarlatos, George Mantakos and Athanasios Stratikopoulos in the ALTERA Europe-Wide Design Contest.
The design, which ranked first in the "most impressive use of an FPGA" category, was on "A Real Time Fractal Flame Rendering", i.e. the creation and display on a HDMI monitor of "flames" by means of iterative functions - the kind of functions known from fractal images.
This project was completed under the supervision of Prof. Apostolos Dollas as part of an advanced fifth year undergraduate course on FPGA design.
The award will be presented in early September at the 23rd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications in Porto, Portugal (the largest international conference on FPGAs), where the system will also be demonstrated.