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Memorandum of Understanding between the Technical University of Crete and University of Agder


A Memorandum of Understanding has been established by and between TUC and UiA, to promote bilateral cooperation in education, research and culture on an international scale, based upon the principle that the parties concerned have expressed their interest in establishing collaboration on education and research related development activities.

The “MoU” has been signed, on the 21st of October 2015, by the Rector of UiA, Prof. Torunn Lauvdal and the Rector of TUC, Prof. Vassilios V. Digalakis. During the official visit of the Norwegian delegation, the Dean of the School of Engineering & Science of UiA, Prof. Frank Reichert,  delivered a talk titled,  “Making a Difference - The University of Agder and its Strategy to Strengthening R&D in the South of Norway”.

© Technical University of Crete 2012