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Meetings of Εm. Professor Evangelos Gidarakos at TU Wien, Austria

Emeritus Professor Evangelos Gidarakos of the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Crete held meetings at the TU Wien, Austria with the aim of achieving collaboration between the two Institutions.

At the conclusion of the meetings, it was decided to establish a collaboration between the Technical University of Crete and TU Wien in the development and implementation of the WaPlan software and the co-organization of the 8th International Conference "CRETE 2024" on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management.

WaPlan, it is an open source software developed by the Institute for Water Quality and Resource Management of TU Wien. It is a useful waste management planning tool for mapping of system flows and can significantly assist waste management authorities, especially smaller municipalities in low-income countries.

CRETE 2024 conference is an international event aimed at disseminating the innovative achievements of scientific research in the field of waste management, promoting the exchange of views and experiences between distinguished members of the academic community, researchers, agencies and companies and encouraging the development of partnerships for dealing with practical problems and contemporary challenges of the sector.

For more information about WaPlan please visit the following link: https://www.tuwien.at/en/cee/iwr/resource/downloads/wapla


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