Citation classics offer an outlook on those papers that have attracted great and historical interest by a research community and that could be also considered the basis of the research field. A new approach, which is called H-Classics, has been developed to identify such highly cited papers. It is based on the H-index and is sensitive to both the own characteristics of the corresponding research discipline and its evolution.
The study ‘’Analyzing Highly Cited Papers in Intelligent Transportation Systems’’, ΙΕΕΕ Trans. Intell. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 993–1001, (April 2016) by José A. Moral-Muñoz, Manuel J. Cobo, Francisco Chiclana, Andrew Collop, and Enrique Herrera-Viedma, provides a useful insight into the development of the intelligent transport systems research field, revealing those scientific actors (authors, countries, and institutions) that have made the biggest research contribution to its development. According to the above study, Greece is the 2nd most productive country, and the Technical University of Crete is at the top-10 internationally.
Attached you may find the study.