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Hybrid MSc Sustainable Engineering and Climate Change | Call for Applications 2024-2025

The Postgraduate Program of Studies in Sustainable Engineering and Climate Change at TUC is a hybrid program that leads to the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Sustainable Engineering and Climate Change and is offered by the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

The call for applications for the Postgraduate Program of Studies in "Sustainable Engineering and Climate Change" (academic year 2024-2025) is now open.

The applications have to be submitted via the online application system (https://e-graduate.tuc.gr).

The deadline for submitting all documents is July 26th, 2024.

Courses for the Master’s degree will be taught in English.

The Master’s thesis will be written in English.

Modules will be taught both with in person and with online participation using e-learning platforms.

For further information about the submission, please visit the following link:

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