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High performance of TUC teams in the ΙΕΕΕXtreme14 competition

TUC Teams by the names "They took our Name" and "The LastDance" with the participation of six Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) undergraduate students, showed high performance during this year's ΙΕΕΕXtreme14 challenge*. Advised by ECE Professor Aggelos Bletsas and supported by IEEE TUC Student Brance, our two teams among 2,157 entries, secured the following spots at the end of the 24-hour contest**:

They took our Name (with team members: Giorgos Margaritis, Diamantis Rafail Papadam, Thanasis Rentzepopoulos)
Global Rank: 114
Country Rank: 6
The LastDance (with team members: Ilias Balampanis, Stefanos Kontos, Giorgos Zemperligkos)
Global Rank: 217
Country Rank: 9
Congratulations to our Teams!

*IEEEXtreme is an annual global hackathon and competitive programming challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members, often supported by an IEEE Student Branch and proctored by an IEEE member, compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.

**ΙΕΕΕXtreme14 competition results

© Technical University of Crete 2012