The Technical University of Crete (TUC), proud member of the European University on Responsible Consumption and Production (EURECA-PRO), organizes a series of open scientific lectures in the context of faculty exchange visits between partner universities. The next lecture of this series is titled:
"The Digital Atlas of Health Services"
and will be delivered by:
Associate Professor Lucian Lupu-Dima
Department of Mining Engineering, Topography and Construction
University of Petrosani, Romania
on the following date/time:
Thursday, October 17, 2024 | 09:00
and can be attended either physically or virtually:
Classroom M5.002 (School of MRE) @ TUC Campus
Meeting ID: 91607926089
Password: 200876
The lecture is open to all interested members of TUC and EURECA-PRO.
Public health is one of the pillars of society, playing a determining role and being a balancing factor. The Lecture will discuss the evidence supporting the use of geographic information systems in and from public health. For the study, public data from the Transparency COVID‐19 data set at the Romanian level were employed, which they process with the QGIS application, to effectively determine the influence of the location of the vaccination centers, respectively the impact on the incidence of COVID 19. The research carried out, which generated 153 maps, allows the statement, that reports based on the geographical location of data collected from the public health system are easier to analyze and to evaluate the effectiveness of the decisions taken. By analyzing the evolution of some public health indicators, that are difficult to correlate through analytical relationships, the use of geographic information systems in public health management is shown to be of critical importance.
Short Bio
Lucian Lupu-Dima is an Associate Professor at the University of Petrosani, in Romania. His first Diploma was awarded by the School of Mechanic, Machinery and Mining Engineering at Petrosani, while his PhD was in Electrical engineering. His main fields of expertise are in the Applied Informatics, including computer applications for project management, computer graphics, GIS, information security, IT. He is also the CEO/owner of the Infoconsult SRL Agency, specialising in company consulting services with auditing competency and IT. Prof. Lupu-Dima is a member of many European and international scientific committees and he is the author of more than 50 journal and conference articles.
The event may be broadcast live through the official TUC facebook page and will be recorded, while photographic material will be taken. The digital material will be displayed on the websites and on the official channels of the Technical University of Crete and the European University EURECA-PRO and will be published on social media, press releases and newsletters. For any issue, which concerns your personal data, you can be informed through the page with TUC's privacy policy.