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New project Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education: Sustainable transportation within the framework of green deal (SPHERE)

The Technical University of Crete and the group of Prof. Georgios Stavroulakis, participate in the group of European Universities that support the new project “Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education: Sustainable transportation within the framework of green deal (SPHERE)”.

The transport sector is responsible for around one third of global energy consumption and about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions and has proven difficult to decarbonise.

One of the main aspects of sustainable development is sustainable transport (ST) that includes objectives such as universal access, improved safety and resilience, enhanced efficiency and reduced environmental and climate impact. The EU has long identified ST as one of the priorities for the decarbonization of transport in all Member States.

The purpose of the project is to support Uzbekistan and Kosovo* to adopt relevant curricula in their education system, which is not sufficiently developed and adapted to new challenges, and is extremely incompatible in terms of supporting the achievement of the green transition goals in the field of ST.

For more information, please visit the website of the project: https://sphere.pr.ac.rs/

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